tap that
(these are so nice. sold out.)
it might be a fun game to count how many other indie bands sound just like tap tap. it's a lot. arcade fire and man man and clap your hands and whatever else. they're not the most original thing since van gogh sent homegirl his ear. more enjoyable though.
when you're done frowning about how derivative bands are these days, notice that tap tap are sneakily catchy. the kind of band that every time you hear them, you wonder who this good band is (they sound familiar...), and then feel sheepish because you know exactly who it is, and you've heard the song several times, and they're featured on your playlist entitled "hella fresh hitzz." tap tap is not an acquired taste. they're the guy you meet at a party that's surprisingly easy to talk to right off the bat. that's not a bad thing.
probably the catchiest song (among those recently jacked from other blogs).
tap tap "100,000 thoughts"
this one is pretty conservative in terms of the lyrics. needless to say, "boy" must have done something pretty special.
tap tap "way to go boy"
you'll want one more. last but not least.
tap tap "the reason i'm here"
all tracks are from "lanzafame." i can't read this but i gather the author of this blog finds lanzafame the best cd of 2006.
ps for melissa and alex and anyone else who travels to music festivals, coachella looks really good. worth not taking a shower for (or was that bonnaroo?).
prouda you.
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